Venustas Story

Are Heated Jackets Flame-Resistant?

Little Sloth

Are there concerns concerning whether or not a heated jacket is flame-resistant?  You may learn about the heated jacket's lack of flame resistance by reading this article. Anybody wearing this attire should avoid being near any fire sources.

The Ultimate Guide to Pros and Cons of Heated Jackets 2023

Little Sloth

Are you considering the purchase of a heated jacket? In this blog post, we will explore the topic of heated jackets, analyzing their benefits and shortcomings. Additionally, we will provide a detailed overview of four unique types of heated jackets designed for women.

What’s the Best Heating Element for Heated Vests?

Little Sloth

This article aims to provide guidance for those who are unfamiliar with heating elements and are unsure of how to choose a heated vest. It delves into the optimal heating elements for heated vests and analysis presented highlights carbon fiber, graphene, and non-woven heating elements.

What Power Bank Do I Need for My Heated Vest?

Little V

Heated vests are powered by batteries to heat up the heating elements. And it’s significant to use a right battery with your electric vest. In this blog, we will provide comprehensive information about the power bank for heated vest.

How to Charge Your Heated Gloves?[2023 Full Guide and Instructions]

Little Sloth

The utilization of heated gloves has brought about a significant transformation in the manner in which individuals endure harsh cold environments. This article delves into the benefits of utilizing heated gloves, and furnish an extensive guide on how to charge and effectively use it.

Best Heated Hunting Vest 2023: Everything You Need to Know

Anne Tran

Thinking of buying a heated hunting vest? It’s a great idea to enhance warmth, comfort, and body flexibility, especially for those who are hunting in cold conditions. And this passage provides a comprehensive guide about the best heated hunting vest to help you make the right choice.