Venustas Story

Are Venustas Heated Apparel Worth it? 5 Things You Should Know

Little V

Heated apparel has gained increasing popularity in recent years and there are many brands emerged in the market. Venustas heated apparel also plays an important role in the industry. So, let’s explore its story together in this article.

Does a Heated Jacket Come with a Battery?

Little Sloth

You might question if the battery is included when buying a heated jacket. The topic of heated jackets and batteries will be explored in this post to provide you with additional information.

Can Heated Jackets Be Used in the Rain or Snow?

Little V

Heated jackets are fantastic for enhancing the outdoor experience in chilly weather. Except for the heating performance, whether heated jackets can be used in the rain or snow is the biggest issue for most users. In this article, we will explore the answer together.

Are Heated Jackets Heavy? That Facts You Should Know

Little V

Heated jackets are great for chilly weather. Given the heating system, some people worry that this kind of jacket may be heavier than traditional jackets. In this passage, we will lead you to discuss the weight of a heated jacket together.