Nicest Hoodie I’ve Ever Had!
A heated hoodie is a great casual way to deal with the cold. It looks nice and the quality/material of the hoodie itself is impressive. Seriously might be the nicest quality hoodie I’ve ever owned. It’s thick and warm with a cozy loose fit, plus the inside is lined with fleece! And I love the oversized hood. The heated front pockets are great for warming up your hands as well. It’s a great product and can make the difference between just putting the hoodie on or having to turn on the heater. Full review of hoodie and jacket: https://www.thelostlongboarder.com/venustas-heated-apparel-heated-jacket-and-heated-hoodie-info/ Heated Coat and Hoodie Unboxing https://youtu.be/9C4rVu10Lfs