Really nice hoodie
This zip up hoodie is significantly heavier than a normal hoodie. When you turn on the main heating function, the preheat function heats up the hoodie on high mode to where you can feel the heat in approximately 45 seconds. The preheat function overall takes about 2 minutes, but it gets really toasty. I wore this hoodie with a very thick rain/wind breaker jacket on a hike when the temperature was about 25 degrees out, but the temperature was supposed to significantly drop about 10+ degrees in the 2 hours I was on my walk. I had the heat turned on to the low setting to start my walk, and by the end I had it turned up to high when I was finishing. I got slightly chilly towards the end, but it kept me quite warm otherwise. The main reason I gave this hoodie 4 stars out of 5, is because of where the battery pocket is located. It is basically right on your back, and it can be difficult to reach if you don't have the flexibility. Also when you go to sit down, you can usually feel the battery getting pushed into your back making it feel uncomfortable. I don't understand why they couldn't put the battery on the side, or somewhere in the front.